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About Cycling Shutterbug Photography

Born and raised in Belleville, Ontario, I started taking photos when I was in high school. Film was the medium then, and I shot many , many rolls of it. To this day I have several albums of old photos which I have kept and look at regularly.

The concept of Cycling Shutterbug came after I had quadruple bypass surgery in May of 2019. I was off work for 3 months, and my wife and I purchased bicycles as part of my healing process. We started slowly, exploring trails, wooded areas, paths and roads less travelled, and eventually grew to longer more challenging routes. The saddle bags came next, padding was added, and then I had protection for all my camera gear. I was ready to go and explore. This did add many hours to the trips as I was frequently stopping to take photos along trails and forested paths.

The next idea came from a friend who was selling products at craft sales around the local area. I was informed that not many photographers were doing this, and I may be able to actually do something with all of these photos I was collecting. So I booked a table , prepared greeting cards, had calendars printed, had enlargements made with mats, some framed, had business cards made, and came home from my first sale with a whopping 10$.

Disappointed, but not discouraged, I went to a few more sales, and started to get noticed. Then Covid 19 came to town. All shows I had hoped to enter were cancelled, and so I’m sitting on prints, cards and other such items, but no venue to sell. So why not a website!

I share my photos for all to enjoy. If it brightens your day then I have succeeded. If you like what you see, drop me a note at . If you want something for your house or place of business, let me know and we can hash out the details. Its a hobby for me that I have lot of interest in. I look for the beauty in everything and capture the moment as best I can.

Many thanks need to go to Nesda Technologies for all their assistance in getting this going. My sister Merideth, for her help with web site intricacies, and to my parents and my in laws, who are ever supporting and some of my biggest fans. My biggest thanks goes to my housemates, my wife, Angelina who has been my biggest supporter for 29 years, my children, Matthew, Alyssa and Jesha, Alyssa’s partner Christopher, and the 3 best grandkids ever, Delaney, Maika and Callum, who let me practice my people picture taking skills, which is not my best medium. And to you, the visitor to my site, Thank you for taking the time to visit.
